Sunday, July 29, 2012

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Liangyu best players together, will buy the Hou Xun's account,jerseys on line, it can be imagined.
Hou Xun from Beijing, Chongzhen still do not trust, after the matters to discuss with ministers, Chen Qi-yu had plenty of tens of thousands of troops, but not the inch can no longer tolerate enabled Chuanting governor for five provinces require Chuanting loyal to Wang Shi, into the fast Jinjiao Tangjun.
Sun Chuanting Wanli forty seven Scholars, apocalyptic years Shangqiu magistrate into the principal for the Ministry of Personnel, and later pull out the right Resentment Censor and coincides with the mlb sent troops to capture the entire Shaanxi governor of Shaanxi Province, run fast Chuanting, did not grasp was the mlb live, but then will idle down.
When Chuanting in Shaanxi escapement the cut Liuzei, tired to build great merit, the Chongzhen At this point no one is available, remembered Chuanting, suddenly entrusted with the task, have to congratulate my colleagues, there Chuanting bereaved, said Governor of the five provinces of Shaanxi, Gansu in Tang Jun, hands, Tang Jun, Shanxi, and the Huguang also be Tangjun account for a government land, the only one in Henan Province, the whole hands of government troops, can not calm Henan, the peasant uprising after another, Zuo Liangyu known as one hundred thousand army, but it is slick, refused to contribute, the only hope Hou Zuo Liangyu contribute Xun really let go.
-Court brains how to rescue the two provinces, the Tang army offensive has been in full swing, mlb personally led twenty-five thousand army and Lee had to join, plus the next hundred thousand porters, a total of nearly forty thousand troops set in Daxian, with the smooth flow of the road, in fact, Tang Jun, used to transport the porters just fifty thousand can be fully protect Tangjun logistical lose five million people, Tang Jun, forty thousand regular troops and 50,000 porters composed of the auxiliary Army, Qin Liangyu of the increased pressure.
Kaixian, Tian Hu and Li Shuangxi join, but also had sixty thousand army, Wanxian government troops several times a day shock, Yichang Mashi Yao 50,000 army surrounded, 50,000 Tangjun in the Dabie Mountains also the Lord Liufang Liang led by start the Wuchang probing attacks, in fact, Kong Yi Fang and Shao Jie spring and two Tangjun three hundred thousand troops point there is no reference to false.
Qin Liangyu has been removed Daxian the siege, and returned Quxian this more than a month, Qin Liangyu the Daxian launched numerous attacks have been Lee had overcome this, the beginning Lee had also the use of his hands of the cavalry in defenders, and later more and more as the home soldier and the Daxian recruiting Xiangyong experienced war, Lee had the cavalry in addition to a small number of supervisory unit has all out of the body, to seize an opportunity, out of the city is siege of government troops killed carnage, government troops army dispatched cavalry as early back to town.
Qin Liangyu after the attack more carefully, each time a massive focus on care gate, dare to launch attacks on the Daxian As a result, the effect is unbearable, several days of attacks are not a government troops boarded the city of the first Qin Liangyu already intend to give up, Tang Jun, the channel of the provinces one to get through, Qin Liangyu came under the cloak quietly retreat.
The next day, Daxian Tangjun a up and found out has been empty, and Lee too afraid of the government troops cheaters, Qin Liangyu one pair the Daxian non-compliance does not lucky break like, how easily retreat the next day then to the messenger of tang tang has been with the army to enter Sichuan.
Daxian city bustling, Tang Jun, stationed inside the nearly 90,000 army from Daxian to Wanyuan Wanyuan to the city port,womens black basketball shoes, to the well-being along only

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