Friday, June 22, 2012

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Took off his shoes, opened the quilt to her cover, LIU Yan awoke, sat up with open arms put oakley hugged, and upward, with his lips to kiss oakley!
oakley mind the hum of a sound, suddenly excited,Red Sox Jerseys, maybe this moment looking for far too long, maybe tonight's the influence of alcohol before the outbreak of now, he could not help but also hard to get hold of the LIU Yan, and kissed her warmly. semi-prone standing to make him feel uncomfortable, he simply fell on his bed, and LIU Yan-lying warm kiss.
Quickly, he felt his body of men, yu look filled with all the nerves of the body, he above hand on the chest of the LIU Yan, a burst of shyness in my LIU Yan-face, she was forced to pull oakley hand, so oakley put his hand on her shoulder gently Fu mo, LIU Yan-closed his eyes, seems to be very intoxicated at the moment ask mo kiss.
Barrier eventually make clothes oakley am not satisfied with his hand to hoist the LIU Yan-beam in the skirts of the coat, LIU Yan breast of a hand clutching the clothes below, and resolutely ignore LIU Yan-pull, push up bra holding on small buns like breasts. breast in the hands of Danjue firm, smooth, elastic, a surge of fanatical walk in covered in blood, oakley the lower abdomen close to her body, lips harder to suck her hot lips.
the oakley body glow fiery passion seems to have Liu Yanhong dizziness, her eyes closed tight, his hands helplessly loosen oakley followed his lips moved to her Xiongru that has never been to the opposite sex sucking breast to the mouth of oakley his mouth, sucking, blowing, melt-tingling feeling aroused waves of strange commotion, she was forced to hold fast to the head of oakley, could not issue the waves excited and happy groans ...
oakley did not think LIU Yan still a virgin. the zuo love LIU Yan frowning, oakley just feel the excitement, his passion for extreme sports, male yu Wang brazenly vent did not pay attention to the LIU Yan began the painful expression, when Liu Yanhong issued a burst after burst whispered moan, he is doing a more focused, harder, until he is a vent, such as injection, only to meet to lie down. Later, he found that the sheets not only his, but also a few bright red, he can not help spent, no wonder so compact entry, wonder LIU Yan began to reveal the expression of pain, the original Liu Yanhong been Shoushenruyu, she was a virgin, the body of her at the child, not to the the Ou bright, but gave him tonight!
LIU Yan-out from the bathroom, shut the living room lights came back, pull to go the sheets to rub the ball on and threw it under the bed, then quick on the ground chuang into bed, clasped and sundered oakley.oakley moment naked, so reach out to take off LIU Yan T-shirt to wear to get up, her Xiongru close to his chest at the moment he had no sleepy, little sleep,Diamondbacks Jerseys, the heart, burning a pot of fire, like an oven, just want to love on LIU Yan gratitude for her hot lips of her infatuation, through the hands, all expressed through the chest as well as all the strength.

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